A commitment to innovation and sustainability

This site dedicates to Zero Carbon Initiatives at CFS. This site also dedicates itself to the Indigenous initiatives at CFS

Zaro Carbon Initiatives

Our passion and commitment to safe the world

Carbon capture through tree plantation

We intend to plant more tree on campus to reduce the carbon footprint

Vegetable, herbs and fruits

The idea is to create a sustainable food chain in the campus which is readily available.

Rain harvesting system

The water for the garden will be harvested from the gutter system.

Renewable energy

Solar and wind energy will be harvested as a source of energy for the garden.

Marine ecosystem

Fish and marine aquatic animals will be rear as the source of protein from the garden.

Aquaponic and fertigation system

Aquaponic system will be use in the garden.

Students involvements

The project directly involves the students, so that they can learn and take the responsibility to heal the world.

Smart partnership

  • Collaborate with fellow academics.
  • Participation from students.
  • Experience learning.

Everybody need to be involve

  • Reduce carbon footprint.
  • Reduce global warming.
  • Recycle and reuse.

🌿 “Sustainability isn’t just about saving the planet; it’s about preserving our shared future. It’s the art of balancing our needs with the Earth’s capacity to provide. Imagine a dance between humanity and nature, where each step is deliberate, harmonious, and respectful. We tread lightly, knowing that every choice ripples through time. Our legacy isn’t measured in skyscrapers or stock markets; it’s etched in clean air, thriving ecosystems, and generations yet unborn. So let’s be stewards, not just consumers. Let’s weave sustainability into our daily lives, like threads in a tapestry. For when we honor the Earth, we honor ourselves.” 🌎✨

Wise word

Lets save the world

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